Static Websites


Static website developed with Jekyll and hosted on github pages with configuration for CMS. Web design was developed using Materialize.css framework and some Adobe Illustrator.

Development Stack: Jekyll with, Materializecss


Static website developed for charity with Jekyll.

Development Stack: Jekyll, Bootstrap


Static website developed with Jekyll and hosted on github pages.

Development Stack: Jekyll, Bootstrap

Nutrūkusi Styga

Development Stack: Wordpress


Static website developed with custom Wordpress template based on 3rd party design.

Development Stack: Wordpress

Web Applications

Uporter *In Development

Hobby project. Web application where you can post, comment, vote. The idea behind it is to have facebook like interface for posts and reddit like commenting system that allows deep branching.

Front-end: React, Redux, Material-ui

Back-end: Node.js, Express.js

Database: Postgresql, Redis

Cloud: AWS EC2, ECS, RDS

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